I'm Back
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 | 1:25 PM | 0 weird people
Assalamualaikum to Muslims :)
Im here to wrote some stories about my life. Ehemm ehemm :D Haiiii kawang2, lamo doh tk update cerito kat sini. Haihhh amacam? Seronok? Hehe, Lama lah tk update at sini. Biasalah kan dah lama tk bukak. Lupa password katanya :P Ok first aku nk cakap alhamdulillah sebab dah masuk sem 2 :) *clap clap* daaaaaaaan sampai lect aku tahu yg aku da blog. Dia stalker rupanya selama ni hehehe. Sorry miss kalau miss ada terbaca hehe. Miss comel ;D

Haaa dengar kan lagu tu, act dh lama tk update background hehe. Comel kan? Comellah aku. Dah pandai update background bagai ni ;) ahahaha. Ok, esok aku balik? Seronok kan. Shooooooooo sheronok. :D Tak sabar rasanya nak jumpa mak abah. Rindu dgn diorang. :) 

Well tadi aku dah update blog kejap, tapiiiiiii. Tak save. Bapak sedih. So second time ni aku update sikit jek. hehe. tadi pnya pjg cerita lasal project lah dayang lah wedding planner lah. tapi tk save. hehe. Rugi sangat. Nevemind, next week jek aku update okokokok? Aku cerita pasal dayang tu tau. Janji ni :D *angkat tgn* ok set.

Ok lh nak tidur, dah nak pukul 530, ngantuk ni. Esok kelas pukul 8. hehe. Ok bye and assalamualaikum :)

Holla! This is my blog. Ini blog suraiza. ok? So be nice on my blog. Don't rude! :) Tak suka tekan button home kat bawah ok? Dah baca please shout kat CBOX! bye :)

CURRENTLY : Alien(s) 
MOOD : i'm happy.

Life Scene
The Author
Holla! I'm Suraiza Othaman, nice name sweetie :P Hahaha sweet 19 ;) Taken Already. Ehemm ehemm and thanks for read my blog dear. A lot Thanks and do follow ok? Jangan lupa shout sekali kat cbox tau. bye, Levchuu.